Garden Membership

photo: two women displaying carrot and beet in garden

Garden Membership

Hansberry Garden & Nature Center, Inc., is a unique place where strangers grow into friends, seeds grow into flowers and food, and random individuals grow into a dedicated community. We are a community garden where folks can raise fresh food for themselves, family and friends. We are a community gathering spot for workshops, potlucks, plant sales, and other fun and friendly events. We are a nature center where children come to learn about the life of plants, the importance or peskiness of birds, bees, insects and worms. And we sponsor community projects in our neighborhood, including City Harvest, the Kelly Green Project, and musical events.

Applying for Membership in 2025

HGNC’s community garden is fully subscribed in 2024, but if you are interested in joining, please add your names to our waiting list. Early next year, we’ll alert you when the garden is accepting new members and send you an application for membership.

So, joining HGNC is not just for growing a few vines of tomatoes or bunches of kale. Being a member at Hansberry is joining a team of generous and welcoming people, dedicated to sharing Mother Nature’s creative energy in southwest Germantown.

Cost of membership : $40 membership fee (plus a $5 key fee for new members).

Benefits of Planting Membership:

  • First year: membership in the Hansberry Garden Collective, with the option of an individual 4′ x 8′ bed the following year for those who attend collective hours regularly
  • Free access to the garden (after an orientation)
  • Access to the tool shed, which contains a variety of gardening tools, helpful books, and even free seeds to get you started on your new bed
  • Early access to our annual Plant Fair, members-only events and potlucks, and more
  • Belonging to a warm, welcoming community that helps Germantown thrive

To apply for membership, visit the Membership Agreement page. A link to an online form can be found at the bottom; a printable version is also available for download.

2024 Meeting and Work Requirements

  • Attendance at annual Spring Gathering on Saturday, March 16
  • A minimum of 10 hours of volunteer work on maintenance of garden common areas or a garden committee, event, or project

Online Resources for Members: