At our Sunday afternoon work meeting, members of the HGNC Garden Collective were approached by what appeared to be a wild turkey running down Wayne Avenue.
“Is this your turkey?” shouted a woman who was pursuing the bird.
We agreed to encourage the turkey to enter the garden so as to contain it inside the fence while the turkey’s owner was sought and the Schuylkill Wildlife Center was consulted. The turkey left the garden by engaging in an action that approximated flying.
Determined members of the Garden Collective herded the turkey back in. It left a second time. By the time another member arrived with poultry feed and a chicken crate that was far too small for the majestic bird, we had decided to abandon pursuit.
What we accomplished despite the turkey fiasco

In Bed A12, we dug in a cover crop, added compost, and erected walls o water.
In Bed B2, we pulled brassicas that had wintered over and planted lettuce.
In Bed C5, we dug in a cover crop, added compost, and erected walls o water.
We laid down cardboard and distributed several wheelbarrow loads of wood chips between beds.
We sifted compost.