photo: women in animated conversation around picnic table

Celebrate Fall at Garden Potluck Sept. 24

Fall is on its way! Let’s gather to celebrate it just a couple of days after its arrival at Hansberry Garden with our monthly potluck at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 24, 2017.

photo: people seated at a picnic table with food

Share the Bounty at Garden Potluck Aug. 27

It’s time to gather — both your crops and your neighbors! As many of our garden plots are producing at their highest rate, let’s come together and celebrate gardening at Hansberry with our monthly potluck at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017.

Join Us For A Garden Potluck

At Hansberry Garden and Nature Center (HGNC), part of our mission is to “[e]ngender the values and attitudes among people that foster […]

2017 Garden Tending Days

We’ve had a great response to our Garden Tending Days, so far, and we want to keep it going. Hansberry Garden and […]

HGNC Has Gone Hollywood

Hansberry Garden and Nature Center’s (HGNC) two landscape and maintenance extraordinaries have created four videos to educate HGNC member’s on the tools […]