The plant sale is drawing near! This annual event is our biggest fundraiser — we depend on the money it raises for summer operating expenses — and it’s a lot of fun to wrap up a successful sale! Things are shaping up: thanks to help from many dedicated members, we have completed our digging project, and our contractor will have filled the path with gravel by the date of the sale. We’ve been adding more and more plants to our sale stock, thanks to contributions from Jessica Rights, Dennis Barnebey, Laura Thomae, Cherron Perry-Thomas, and me, with help from Donna Scarboro and Breah Banks. Kathy Miller has generously agreed to supervise the bake sale.
We ask all members to pitch in to help at the sale. Here are some things you can do:
- Distribute flyers. Roger Estes has graciously updated our plant-sale flyers for 2019. Copies are in a Staples box in the tool shed, close to the Book of Hours. Please take a few and post them in locations where they’re likely to be seen. Check out the distribution list for a few likely locations. Enter your name when you’ve posted at one of the locations. If you come up with a location that’s not listed, feel free to enter it! The list is a few years old and could sand to be updated.
- Sign up as plant-sale staff on the day of the sale on
Signups are organized in one-hour shifts. There are about as many one-hour spots as there are members, and not everyone will be able to participate on the day of the sale, so we’ll need several people to sign up for multiple shifts. If you don’t have access to a computer or would prefer not to use Signup, call me at (267) 225-8217 and I’ll sign you up manually. - Sign up to donate home-baked goods or staff the bake-sale table, also on
If you don’t have access to a computer or would prefer not to use Signup, call call me at (267) 225-8217 and I’ll sign you up manually. - Donate plants! If you have extra seedlings, ornamental plants or houseplants that you can divide and share, email Cherron Perry-Thomas at
- SPREAD THE WORD! Not everyone can participate on the day of sale, but everyone can do this! Please let your Philly-area friends know about the sale. The basic info is on the flyer below You can also link to the post about it on our website or the Facebook event post. When you see Facebook posts about the sale (or other events the garden is hosting) on Facebook or Instagram, please interact with them by liking or commenting, and share them with your social networks.
Help with inventory. During the coming weeks, we’ll need help repotting, labeling, and keeping track of plants. If you’d like to contribute to this effort, let me know by emailing me at or texting me at (267) 225-8217.