In 2023, Hansberry Garden’s Membership Agreement requires each member to devote a minimum of 10 hours to the upkeep of the Garden and its programs. Many of our members contribute several times that number. Volunteer hours include the hours you spend on Tend the Garden Days, committee meetings, committee work other than meetings, and any other project that you undertake on behalf of the garden.
The work you do for the Garden is appreciated, and we want you to get credit for it! Even if you’ve exceeded your minimum quota, we want to know how much time you’re spending on behalf of the Garden so that we can get a better idea of how long projects take. It’s also an important way of showing potential donors that the Garden is valued by its members and neighbors.
Finally, if you’re a working member of Weavers Way Coop, you can now count your volunteer hours for the Garden as Weavers Way shifts — but only if you report them! HGNC’s online hours-reporting form now collects Weavers Way member numbers, where applicable, and HGNC will report members’ hours to Weavers Way on the first day of every month. HGNC members should use the HGNC hours-reporting form for events like Tend the Garden Day rather than signing up for shifts at HGNC through the Weavers Way member center.
To make it easier to find our online form for reporting volunteer hours for HGNC, we’ve embedded the form in the website at The URL is posted (along with a QR code so that you can easily reach it by scanning it with your phone) at the garden. It is on the enclosed bulletin board inside the wide gate on the Hansberry Street side of the fence, near the water hydrant.
You can now find the form easily through the HGNC website’s main navigation: it’s the first item under “Membership.”