Hansberry Garden is excited that Weavers Way is coming to Germantown! We’re glad because the new store will offer greener and healthier grocery-shopping options and create jobs for Germantowners. But we’re also delighted because Weavers Way’s commitment to community means partnerships with local organizations like ours. Weavers Way has been good to Hansberry Garden, often donating food to our events, giving us a grant toward the lumber for our solar pergola, and providing volunteers for our Kelly Green Project. A new and critical aspect of Weavers Way’s support is that working members of the Coop can now earn credit for volunteering at Hansberry Garden!
For members of Hansberry Garden, it’s best to get Weavers Way credit by filling out HGNC’s volunteer hours-reporting form. For those who don’t belong to the Garden, going through the Weavers Way website might be most efficient. Several shifts — for monthly Tend the Garden Days and for City Harvest planting days — are available in the Member Center of the Weavers Way website. But don’t worry if you decide to show up to volunteer without having signed up first! We can still ensure that you’re credited for your hours.
It’s easiest to find the HGNC shifts in the Weavers Way Member Center by clicking on the button labeled “Don’t see what you’re looking for? Click here.”

Clicking that button takes you to a list of specific jobs by location. Look for “Germantown — Hansberry Garden and Nature Center.

We look forward to welcoming Weavers Way members as volunteers, and we hope their time working in the garden will inspire them to attend our monthly potlucks and events!